Erasmus+ Programme
Erasmus+ is the EU programme that involves a variety of educational, training, and youth activities, and aims to make a contribution to tackle socio-economic issues, improve communication and cooperation – through active citizens.
More specifically, we participate in the KA229 Project – School Exchange Partnerships, titled “Innovation and Mobile Learning”.
Project Details
Our priorities
- Open education and innovative practices in a digital era
- Strengthening the profile(s) of the teaching profession
- Promoting the acquisition of skills and competences
Reasons and motivation
21st-century aptitudes can be created through imaginative educating and learning, especially including compelling utilization of innovation. Mobile devices, for example, cell phones, iPads or tablets spread quickly in the present web society. A rising propensity of their use can likewise be seen in school, albeit most nations in the EU are as yet lacking as far as portable applications use. More than that, despite the fact that a few schools have been equipped with the suitable gadgets, the educators are not generally prepared in the way they should utilize these apparatuses and they regularly prove useless. Those new cellphones can build the nature of teaching and learning and drastically change the manner by which we learn. They are intuitive, fun and above all else effective. Somehow, the fate of the classroom is by all accounts paperless. Students are a dynamic, imaginative and responsible party in their own learning forms. By utilizing cellphones in their learning, students turn out to be more persuaded, more associated with their work and the outcomes are constantly positive. More than that, cellphones are significant in creating collaboration, which is by all accounts one of the fundamental abilities required at work advertise. In spite of the fact that gathering and cooperation are utilized as a part of customary methods for instructing as well, it can’t be contended that assessing
the nature of group work, individual contribution and so forth, is substantially more troublesome in a consistent classroom condition.
The motivation behind the reason why we have set out on this project is that we need to observe different schools in the EU, the way and degree to which innovation and mobile learning are incorporated into the instructing learning process. Additionally, since only a portion of the schools is just starting to get to know this innovation-based educating, it is basic that we shed some light on the tremendous assorted variety of versatile applications and web 2.0 tools. This is the reason we have wanted to incorporate one short-term joint staff preparing event toward the start of the project and 5 trades of groups of pupils. In the principal LTTA, we will exhibit the present practices in each school as far as the utilization of technology. We will then sort out a 3-day instructional class in a collaboration with specialists, who will display the most widely recognized tools and applications for use in the classroom, will offer the teachers the likelihood to practice them and offer help. The devices will be partitioned into categories as indicated by the themes of the future student exchanges – Google tools, portable applications and web 2.0 tools for community-oriented learning, for content creation, for appraisal, classroom flipping, amusements based learning. Because of LTTA1, all accomplices should apply the tools in the classroom with the students in the objective group.
Objectives and results
Through the project activities created both locally and transnationally, we focus on the accompanying goals for educators
- to pick up/enhance information of Google tools, mobile applications
- to enhance digital capability
- to work on utilizing digital tools
- to expand their trust in utilizing technology in the classroom
- to build up their inventiveness and feeling of activity
- to create correspondence and coordinated effort abilities
- to enhance their insight into different societies
Through the activities actualized, we additionally focus on an arrangement of goals for the recipients of our activities, students
- to enhance digital capability for instructive purposes
- increment inspiration for learning
- to create correspondence and cooperation abilities
- to create inventiveness and feeling of activity
- to work on utilizing Google tools and mobile applications for educational purposes
- to interface with their companions and share experiences
- to enhance social mindfulness and intercultural competence.
The destinations address the main priority we have chosen (Open education and imaginative practices in a digital era). Preparing educators to utilize mobile applications and Google tools in the classroom, with a view to encouraging the production of new digital content will acquire improvement to the showing teaching strategies they are at present utilizing. We intend to share the exercises proposed by each group in our dissemination, to make them accessible to every single interested party. The priority additionally stresses the successful utilization of digital technologies and open teaching methods in education, which is likewise a point of our project activities. The second priority alludes to reinforcing the profile of the teaching profession. We need to gain from each other cooperatively and inside an instructional class about digital tools utilized as a part of the class, to enhance the effectiveness of the teaching process and appraisal of students in this digital era. Ultimately, our goals for students address our last priority, since correspondence, joint effort, innovativeness, and critical thinking are basic for expanding students’ future employability. We intend to produce both unmistakable and elusive outcomes. Participants will be more inspired, all the more digitally capable and more associated with the educating learning process. The schools and classrooms will turn out to be more appealing, more sufficient to educate students of the 21st century. Our tangible outcomes comprise of reports about the utilization of mobile applications and Google tools in the teaching-learning process, toward the start and toward the finish of the project, in view of investigation of the present circumstance in schools, on questionnaires for teachers and students; instructional class materials, criticism of the educators on it, lessons/exercises made by each accomplice on the themes of the exchanges, introductions of teachers institutions and the educational system of their country.
We intend to use eTwinning and Facebook for online correspondence purposes and for dissemination purposes. In the subsequent stage, we will utilize Erasmus+ Project Results Platform keeping in mind the end goal to share our outcomes at the European level.